CASSETTE Fear of Falling 'Mind-Set' (1993) catchy indie rock Steven Lanni tape

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CASSETTE: Fear of Falling "Mind-set" (SOH Records, 1993)

Interesting east coast US band with an 80s college rock kind of sound, some influence from U2 (especially in the vocals) and some sparse but catchy guitar.  Very little information is out there about this band but they're good!


Lie Down
Fairy Dust
Voice of the Martyr
Boy and Girl


FORMAT: cassette
CONDITION: used, in good condition, comes in case with insert.

We guarantee that our cassettes will play when you receive them, but due to the age and nature of the format, we cannot guarantee future performance.  We recommend making a cassette or CD backup of your recording.

Shipping weight 4 ounces.