CASSETTE Earth Eighteen self-titled EP (1993) new sealed glam punk alt rock ex-Void DC

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CASSETTE: Earth Eighteen "Earth Eighteen" EP (Medicine, 1993)

Four-song debut EP from this short-lived but awesome DC band, playing a glammy outer-space bubblegum sort of punk, led by former Void man Bubba DuPree.

Tracks: Girl Of the Downward Smile, You Fade Out, Automatic Lullaby, The Church (Blue Love).

FORMAT: cassette
CONDITION: new, sealed old store stock with price stickers and some shelf wear.

We guarantee that our cassette tapes will play when you receive them, but due to the age and nature of the format, we cannot guarantee future performance. We recommend you make a cassette or CD backup of your recording.

Shipping weight 4 ounces.