ARTIST: Duke Ellington
TITLE: Back Room Romp
YEAR: 1988
TRACKS: Relaxatious, Lazy Man's Shuffle, Back Room Romp, Love's IN My Heart, Clouds In My Heart, Frolic Sam, Caravan, Stompy Jones, Pyramid, Swingin' In the Dell, Jittrerbug's Lullaby, The Rabbit's Jump, I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me, Blue Reverie, Echoes of Harlem, Swing Pan Alley.
FORMAT: cassette
CONDITION: used, in good condition, comes in case with insert.
We guarantee that our cassette tapes will play when you receive them, but due to the age and nature of the format, we cannot guarantee future performance. We recommend you make a cassette or CD backup of your recording.
Shipping weight 4 ounces.