CASSETTE Castlebay self-titled (1987) debut Maine quartet traditional British Isles folk

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CASSETTE: Castl'Castlebay' (Masthead Music, 1987)

Traditional folk music of the British Isles presented as lush a cappella arrangements and traditional instrumentals, from this inventive Maine group (still active today!).

Condition: used, in very good condition. stamp from used record store inside cover.

Tracks: John Barleycorn, I'll Lay Ye Doon, The Sally Gardens, Sea Chanty Medley, Broom o'the Cowdenknowes, Bonnie Ship the Diamond, Babylon, The Waters of Tyne, Shantyman's Hail, Manx Lullaby, Spencer the Rover, A Man's a Man.

Shipping weight: 4 ounces.  

We guarantee that our cassettes will play when you receive them, but due to the age and nature of the format, we cannot guarantee future performance.  We recommend making a cassette or CD backup of your recording.