CASSETTE: 1910 Fruitgum Co. "1, 2, 3 Red Light' (Buddah Records)
This is an old-school cassette from many years ago, and it has been play-tested. It does NOT play well! It has some wear and noise and plays in a very muffled way. We are offering it as a piece for a collector who is not necessarily looking for great audio from this unique looking old tape.
Tracks: 1 2 3 Red Light, The Song Song, Shirley Applegate, The Mighty Quinn, Yummy Yummy Yummy, 9 10 Let's Do It Again, The Book, Sister John, Take Away, Lookin' Back, Blue Eyes and Orange Skies.
Condition: used, in acceptable condition, comes in case with insert. Paper labels on tape.
Shipping weight: 4 ounces